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The Indonesian Market ls Poised For Explosive Growthc

The Indonesian fashion market offers boundless business opportunities, with demographic dividends and a rising middle class, providing investors with rich development prospects.

The Economy Is On An Upward Trend, And The Middle Class Is Growing Steadily.

Indonesia's vast population offers substantial consumer potential for the fashion market. With the rise of the middle class, an increasing number of Indonesians possess greater purchasing power and a stronger desire to consume. This offers expansive growth opportunities for both high-end fashion brands and mid-market segments, drawing the attention of international brands.

The Indonesian Fashion Market has a Promising Future.

Steadily Growing Economic & Trade Cooperation

According to customs data, China-Indonesia export figures have seen a growth of over 20% for two consecutive years, with the performance in the first quarter of 2023 remaining robust, indicating the significant market potential in Indonesia.

Population Dividend and Prominent Consumption Potential

Indonesia adalah ekonomi terbesar di ASEAN, dengan populasi terbesar keempat di dunia, lebih dari 60% penduduknya berumur antara 15 hingga 50 tahun. Kelompok konsumen muda yang besar dan peningkatan kekuatan beli yang terus menerus, memberikan peluang pertumbuhan yang stabil untuk pasar industri.

Indonesia's Favorable Business Environment

Indonesia is continuously improving its production, supply chain, and logistics infrastructure. The country has ports with large and stable throughput, and its airports are undergoing constant upgrades and expansions, providing businesses with a competitive edge for overseas operations.

Rapidly Rising E-commerce Economy

Indonesia telah menjadi pasar e-commerce terbesar di Asia Tenggara, dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi digital yang mendorong peningkatan konsumsi lokal dengan cepat. Pada tahun 2022, nilai penjualan e-commerce mencapai 80,95 miliar dolar AS. Diperkirakan pada tahun 2026, nilai penjualan e-commerce akan mencapai 130,3 miliar dolar AS, dengan proporsi dari total penjualan ritel akan meningkat menjadi 36,5%.

Potential of the Fashion Market

As the fashion consumption market expands, Indonesia's market for fashion and beauty products is growing. Clothing, handbags, shoes, cosmetics, and similar items have become major categories within the Indonesian e-commerce market.

The Unsaturated Market Conceals Tremendous Market Potential

Dibandingkan dengan pasar matang yang sudah jenuh, pasar industri di Indonesia masih berkembang pesat, termasuk rantai pasok industri, harapan dan kebiasaan konsumen, yang memberikan lebih banyak pengaruh dan kesempatan bagi perusahaan ekspor serta merek fashion untuk berkembang.

The Assistance of RCEP Policies

On January 1, 2022, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) officially came into effect, with over 90% of goods trade set to achieve zero tariffs. This agreement is the largest and most significant free trade agreement in the Asia-Pacific region, covering nearly half of the world's population and nearly a third of its trade volume. It brings development opportunities for both China and Vietnam.

The Integration of Online and Offline

Fashion retailers are increasingly focusing on the integration of online and offline channels, providing a more comprehensive shopping experience to meet the diverse shopping needs of consumers.

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